Sermon Podcast

East Doncaster Baptist Church

Sermon Podcasts

Prepare for each podcast by listening to the Scripture reading

The Open Story (John 3:1-21)

by Rev Assoc Prof Frank Rees | 21 July 2024

Immanuel God with Us (John 6: 14-24)

by Wendy Potter | 14 July 2024

The Saturday's of Our Lives (Psalm 12)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 30 June 2024

Five barley loaves, two small fish and a great deal of grass (John 6:1-15)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 16 June 2024

Water into Wine (John 2:1-11)

by Rev Stephen Field | 9 June 2024

Searching the Scriptures; hearing the Father's voice (John 5:31-47)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 2 June 2024

Reflections on the New Testament Church (Acts 2:38-47)

by Rev Joseph Kim | 19 May 2024

Sent (John 5:1-30)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 12 May 2024

They had no wine (John 2:1-11)

by Rev Dr Graeme Garrett | 5 May 2024

Still @ Jacob's Well (John 4:1-42)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 21 April 2024

At Jacob's Well (John 4:1-42)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 14 April 2024

No strings attached (Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke 14:15-32)

by Judith Wilkins | 7 April 2024

In the garden (John 20:1-18)

by Bob Edmonds, Kerin Cuttriss, Deborah Storie | 31 March 2024

The hour has come

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 24 March 2024

If we believe (John 11:17-54,57)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 25 February 2024

Subversive Women and Exodus (Exodus 1:8 - 2:10)

by Megan Turton | 4 February 2024

Jesus knew all the people (John 2:13-25)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 28 January 2024

Inconvenient Women: Rizpah (2 Samuel 21:1-14)

by Dr Barbara Deutschmann | 21 January 2024

Inconvenient Women: Abigail (1 Samuel 25:2-25)

by Dr Barbara Deutschmann | 14 January 2024

Meaningful Conversations (Luke 10:38-42)

by Judy Wilkins | 7 January 2024

Hope out of destruction, life out of death (John 1:29-36; 3:25-36)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 31 December 2023

The true light that gives life to all (Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 1:18 - 2:12)

by Pastors Deborah Storie & Min Huh with Jenny, Bob, Sky, Joseph & Bev | 25 December 2023

Nicodemus: "How can a person be born again?" (John 3:1-21)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 24 December 2023

Mary: "Whatever he tells you, do" (John 2:1-11)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 17 December 2023

Nathaniel: "Nazareth? Can anything good come from there? (John 1:25-51)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 10 December 2023

John son of Zecharia: "Behold the lamb of God" (John 1:1-34)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 3 December 2023

John 1:1-34

by John Marks and Rob Lee | 3 December 2023

That's just who I am! (Acts 4:13-21)

by Judy Wilkins | 19 November 2023

How all Egypt was enslaved (Genesis 41:53-57; 47:13-26)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 12 November 2023

Power & Purpose (Genesis 41:14-52)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 5 November 2023

Good News and Bad (Genesis 40- 41:16)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 29 October 2023

And God was with the boy (Genesis 39)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 22 October 2023

Any dream WON'T do (Genesis 37)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 15 October 2023

Learning to Listen

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 8 October 2023

How do we read Joshua's violent conquest of Canaan? (Deut 20:18-18 Matthew 15:21-28)

by Prof Mark Brett | 1 October 2023

Inheriting Abraham: Reading the Old Testament as Gentiles (Genesis 17: 1-5)

by Prof Mark Brett | 24 September 2023

"In as much as you did it . . . did it not" (Matthew 25:31-6:2)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 17 September 2023

Confronting Power (Matthew 25: 14-30)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 10 September 2023

She gave all she had, her whole life (Mark 12:28-34, 38-13:2)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 27 August 2023

The fruit of the kingdom (Matthew 21:33-46)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 20 August 2023

Forgiveness - Essential for Life & Health

by Rev Dr Bill Brown | 13 August 2023

In you I take refuge (Psalm 16)

by Naomi Chua | 30 July 2023

Here Am I Lord, Yes Me (Isaiah 6)

by Rev Chris Barnden | 23 July 2023

Lord, Teach Us To Pray (Luke 11:1-13)

by Rev Ass Prof Frank Rees | 16 July 2023

Remember I am with you always (Matthew 28:16-20)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 9 July 2023

Paul & the Corinthian Church (1 Corinthians 13)

by Wendy Potter | 2 July 2023

Violent Psalms - Why are they in the Bible? (Psalm 58)

by Rev Stephen Field | 11 June 2023

What belongs to God? (Matthew 22:15-22)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 4 June 2023

That there maybe equality (2 Corinthians 8:1-15)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 28 May 2023

All things in common (Acts 2:41-47; 4:31-37)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 21 May 2023

A question of influence

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 14 May 2023

If you would enter life (Matthew 19:16-30)

by Rev Dr Deborah Storie | 7 May 2023